I've done something for about the last few weeks that I think everyone needs to do at some point during the year: step away from the social media!
I was reading and posting regularly on Facebook, YouTube, et al., and could just feel myself becoming over-saturated with the updates, check-ins, and events, well, not so much those, but more specifically the cute pictures of animals, clever sayings, and aphorisms. I'm not saying I don't need those things. I love seeing kittens and puppies doing cute little clumsy things, and the clever sayings, I love comedy especially when it is though-provoking, and who doesn't need a good aphorism once in a while to keep us going [insert hang-in-there cat here]. But it's just relentless.
You go from Linked In to a blog post to a You Tube video, to a news article, to a funny cat pic and back again. We almost don't even need Stumble Upon (OMG I can't believe I said such a thing!).
It started off as a weekend away. I decided I just didn't need to check Facebook. And two days turned into almost three weeks of... well, bliss, really. Let's face it. Everyone's brain needs a decompression period to refocus its priorities.
I'm looking forward to getting back up to date with the things I have missed, but I'm going to try and organize my time a little better. I think it is best to treat these things like tools to enhance our lives, and not as a replacement.