Friday, February 17, 2012

Instinct Vs. Reason Redux

Last week, I made one of my personal favorite scores available on iTunes. Part of doing so involved me setting up a time to hang with Jenn Page and Anthony Pearce and talk about some good times.

It's always a good time with those two. The score was really a lot of fun and I got to do a lot of different things, flexing my comedy chops with a big orchestra. Be sure to check out the album now available on iTunes and Amazon!

Instinct Vs. Reason (Original Soundtrack) - EP, Joseph Carrillo

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

New Demo for 2012

Since it is a new year, I thought it wise to put together a new collection of recent works.

I decided to host this collection on SoundCloud (and likely future collections), thinking its Facebook-connectivity would make it easier to showcase music sets. But it doesn't work on Facebook despite its claims to the contrary. I'm not saying I'm a luddite, but it took me over an hour to figure out you cannot install SoundCloud on a Facebook page you create, rather only on your personal page--that seems to work properly.

To get music on your band page you have to use a different service.  There are a couple of options, but I went with BandRX which takes media from SoundCloud and puts it into a similar format. I guess the only difference being that it actually works on Facebook. There are a few other perks to it, such as a mailing list feature and a few other things I doubt I will use. It is a little strange, but it turned out okay, and is in full music showcase mode.

I decided to go with SoundCloud specifically for the graphical interface, particularly since I can differentiate parts of my demo in a DVD-chapter-like fashion, allowing one to skip ahead to the next selection without having to scrub and/or guess their way to the next selection.

It seemed like a good idea on the surface, so we'll see how it is received. Additionally each selection also has a 60-second version available (the above features approximately 30-second excerpts).

For now the demo is all that is posted on my SoundCloud page, similar to Facebook, the url is, but as I update my website to the new format, I will be posting a lot more music there.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Rambling. Hey, it's an excuse to post

I began the year with the best of intentions. I hoped to be more active amongst the various social media, and tried to set the bar reasonably low: like blogging once a week, posting on facebook once or twice per week.

There was--and still is--a bunch of other junk on the list, other usual suspects like eating healthy, getting a good night's sleep, reading a book (with pages!). The things we all want to do, that we tell ourselves: I can do that, because I am "that person." The person who does those conscientious things, like vacuuming regularly, or once every couple of weeks dusting the one piece of real wood furniture you own, attempting to keep the studio from being buried beneath the results of my brain opening up to let the insanity out.

It's not that I'm not "that person." It's just that the person who I am, or the body my personality inhabits, gets easily distracted by shiny objects. And occasionally there is just no amount of enticing that will allow the real me an earnest moment of being within my schedule. I have an idea of what my day is like, or what it is supposed to be like, and sometimes the slightest thing can derail my focus.

So that being said, I'm using this excuse of not knowing what to write, to write. And use it as less a promise to whomever might read this, but moreso to myself. This year, I'm just going to let myself ramble, and give myself permission to do so without fear of the tether of relevance or requisite of wit. That whole "dance like no one is watching" thing? Ugh, as much as it pains me to pick at the bones of that rotting horse, it's time to bust a move.

I am finishing work on a newly sequenced, mixed and mastered version of the score from Instinct Vs. Reason, a short film which I scored back in 2004, which should be available in the next couple of weeks.